We released a new Maven Plugin for Azure Web Apps, you can deploy or redeploy Web apps to Azure App Service Linux or Windows in one easy step.
Azure App Service provides a managed Web app environment for your app to run. That means that all you should worry about is your app code. App Service handles the provisioning, load balancing, auto-scaling, and app health monitoring for you. Even though App Service handles these aspects for you, you still have control over all the settings if you want to customize how your environment runs.
Get started right away
Let us start with a Spring Boot application. Clone a Spring Boot sample with configuration:
$ git clone -b private-registry https://github.com/microsoft/gs-spring-boot-docker
Change the directory:
$ cd gs-spring-boot-docker/complete
Add a Service Principal and your private Docker registry credentials to your Maven settings.xml.
Build the app and containerize like you always do, and deploy to Azure App Service:
$ mvn clean package docker:build -DpushImage azure-webapp:deploy
Open your Web app! That is it.
The new Maven plugin is an open source project - https://github.com/Microsoft/azure-maven-plugins
Try it
You can deploy a Spring Boot app or containerized Spring Boot app or any Web app to Azure App Service Linux or Windows:
- Deploy a Spring Boot app to Azure App Service
- Deploy a containerized Spring Boot app to Azure App Service
- Deploy a containerized Spring Boot app to Azure App Service via Azure Container Registry
Give it a try and let us know what do you think (via e-mail or comments below). You can find plenty of additional info about Java on Azure at http://azure.com/java.