In case you missed them, here are some articles from July of particular interest to R users.
A tutorial on using the rsparkling package to apply H20's algorithms to data in HDInsight.
Several exercises to learn parallel programming with the foreach package.
A presentation on the R6 class system, by Winston Chang.
Introducing "joyplots", a ggplot2 extension for visualizing multiple time series or distributions (with a nod to Joy Division).
SQL Server 2017, with many new R-related capabilities, is nearing release.
Ali Zaidi on using neural embeddings with R and Spark to analyze Github comments.
R ranks #6 in the 2017 IEEE Spectrum Top Programming Languages.
Course materials on "Data Analysis for the Life Sciences", from Rafael Irizarry.
How to securely store API keys in R scripts with the "secret" package.
An in-depth tutorial on implementing neural network algorithms in R.
Recordings from the useR!2017 conference in Brussels are now available. The conference was also livestreamed.
Recording of my lightning talk, "R in Minecraft".
Uwe Ligges' useR!2017 keynote, "20 years of CRAN".
A framework for implementing a credit risk prediction system with Microsoft R.
High school students build a facial-recognition drone using Microsoft Cognitive Services and Raspberry Pi.
he R Consortium is conducting a survey of R users.
The R GUI framework "rattle" now supports XGBoost models.
My presentation at useR!2017, "R, Then and Now", on how perceptions of R have changed over the years.
Seven Microsoft customers using R for production applications.
And some general interest stories (not necessarily related to R):
- A video explanation of the rolling shutters effect
- How Bitcoin and other digital currencies work
- How sinkholes form
- Air traffic control in Flight Simulator X
As always, thanks for the comments and please send any suggestions to me at Don't forget you can follow the blog using an RSS reader, via email using blogtrottr, or by following me on Twitter (I'm @revodavid). You can find roundups of previous months here.