Today, we released a new Windows 10 Preview Build of the SDK to be used in conjunction with Windows 10 Insider Preview (Build 17069 or greater). The Preview SDK Build 17069 contains bug fixes and under development changes to the API surface area.
The Preview SDK can be downloaded from developer section on Windows Insider.
For feedback and updates to the known issues, please see the developer forum. For new developer feature requests, head over to our Windows Platform UserVoice.
Things to note:
- This build works in conjunction with previously released SDKs and Visual Studio 2017. You can install this SDK and still also continue to submit your apps that target Windows 10 Creators build or earlier to the store.
- The Windows SDK will now formally only be supported by Visual Studio 2017 and greater. You can download the Visual Studio 2017 here.
- This build of the Windows SDK will install on Windows 10 Insider Preview and supported Windows operating systems.
Known Issues
- Cannot deploy to a device: When attempting to deploy to a mobile device, it fails with the following error: DEP0001: Unexpected Error: SmartDeviceException – Class not registered [0x80131500]
To work around this issue:
- Go to Administrative Command Prompt
- Run REGSVR32 “Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10bin10.0.17071.0x86SirepClient.dll”
- XAML Designer fails to load: When attempting to load the XAML designer, an Unhandled exception occurs “The XAML Designer has excited unexpectedly.
- OleView fails to run.
What’s New:
- C++/WinRT Now Available: The C++/WinRT headers and cppwinrt compiler (cppwinrt.exe) are now included in the Windows SDK. The compiler comes in handy if you need to consume a third-party WinRT component or if you need to author your own WinRT components with C++/WinRT. The easiest way to get working with it after installing the Windows Insider Preview SDK is to start the Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt and run the compiler in that environment. Authoring support is currently experimental and subject to change. Stay tuned as we will publish more detailed instructions on how to use the compiler in the coming week.
The ModernCPP blog has a deeper dive into the CppWinRT compiler. Please give us feedback by creating an issue at:
Breaking Changes
- New MIDL key words.
As a part of the “modernizing IDL” effort, several new keywords are added to the midlrt tool. These new keywords will cause build breaks if they are encountered in IDL files.
The new keywords are:
- event
- set
- get
- partial
- unsealed
- overridable
- protected
- importwinmd
If any of these keywords is used as an identifier, it will generate a build failure indicating a syntax error.
The error will be similar to:
1 >d:ossrconecorecomcombaseunittestastatestserverstestserver6idlremreleasetest.idl(12) : error MIDL2025 : [msg]syntax error [context]: expecting a declarator or * near “)”
To fix this, modify the identifier in error to an “@” prefix in front of the identifier. That will cause MIDL to treat the offending element as an identifier instead of a keyword.
API Updates and Additions
When targeting new APIs, consider writing your app to be adaptive in order to run correctly on the widest number of Windows 10 devices. Please see Dynamically detecting features with API contracts (10 by 10) for more information.
The following APIs have been added to the platform since the release of 16299.
***************** New API changes ***************** namespace Windows.ApplicationModel { public enum AddResourcePackageOptions : uint public sealed class AppInstance public sealed class PackageCatalog { IAsyncOperationWithProgress AddResourcePackageAsync(string resourcePackageFamilyName, string resourceID, AddResourcePackageOptions options); IAsyncOperation RemoveResourcePackagesAsync(IIterable resourcePackages); } public sealed class PackageCatalogAddResourcePackageResult public sealed class PackageCatalogRemoveResourcePackagesResult public struct PackageInstallProgress public enum StartupTaskState { EnabledByPolicy = 4, } } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation { public enum ActivationKind { BarcodeScannerProvider = 1022, } public sealed class BarcodeScannerPreviewActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IBarcodeScannerPreviewActivatedEventArgs public interface IBarcodeScannerPreviewActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Background { public enum BackgroundAccessRequestKind public static class BackgroundExecutionManager { public static IAsyncOperation RequestAccessKindAsync(BackgroundAccessRequestKind requestedAccess, string reason); } public sealed class CustomSystemEventTrigger : IBackgroundTrigger public enum CustomSystemEventTriggerRecurrence public sealed class MobileBroadbandPcoDataChangeTrigger : IBackgroundTrigger public sealed class NetworkOperatorDataUsageTrigger : IBackgroundTrigger public sealed class StorageLibraryChangeTrackerTrigger : IBackgroundTrigger public sealed class TetheringEntitlementCheckTrigger : IBackgroundTrigger } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls { public enum PhoneCallMedia { AudioAndRealTimeText = 2, } public sealed class VoipCallCoordinator { VoipPhoneCall RequestNewAppInitiatedCall(string context, string contactName, string contactNumber, string serviceName, VoipPhoneCallMedia media); VoipPhoneCall RequestNewIncomingCall(string context, string contactName, string contactNumber, Uri contactImage, string serviceName, Uri brandingImage, string callDetails, Uri ringtone, VoipPhoneCallMedia media, TimeSpan ringTimeout, string contactRemoteId); } public sealed class VoipPhoneCall { void NotifyCallAccepted(VoipPhoneCallMedia media); } } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Core { public sealed class AppListEntry { IAsyncOperation LaunchForUserAsync(User user); } } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer { public sealed class DataPackagePropertySet : IIterable<IKeyValuePair>, IMap { string ContentSourceUserActivityJson { get; set; } } public sealed class DataPackagePropertySetView : IIterable<IKeyValuePair>, IMapView { string ContentSourceUserActivityJson { get; } } public static class StandardDataFormats { public static string UserActivityJsonArray { get; } } } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview { public enum StoreSystemFeature { ArchitectureArm64 = 34, } } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview.InstallControl { public sealed class AppInstallItem { bool LaunchAfterInstall { get; set; } } public sealed class AppInstallManager { IAsyncOperation GetIsPackageIdentityAllowedToInstallAsync(string correlationVector, string packageIdentityName, string publisherCertificateName); IAsyncOperation GetIsPackageIdentityAllowedToInstallForUserAsync(User user, string correlationVector, string packageIdentityName, string publisherCertificateName); IAsyncOperation<IVectorView> SearchForAllUpdatesAsync(string correlationVector, string clientId, AppUpdateOptions updateOptions); IAsyncOperation<IVectorView> SearchForAllUpdatesForUserAsync(User user, string correlationVector, string clientId, AppUpdateOptions updateOptions); IAsyncOperation SearchForUpdatesAsync(string productId, string skuId, string correlationVector, string clientId, AppUpdateOptions updateOptions); IAsyncOperation SearchForUpdatesForUserAsync(User user, string productId, string skuId, string correlationVector, string clientId, AppUpdateOptions updateOptions); IAsyncOperation<IVectorView> StartProductInstallAsync(string productId, string flightId, string clientId, string correlationVector, AppInstallOptions installOptions); IAsyncOperation<IVectorView> StartProductInstallForUserAsync(User user, string productId, string flightId, string clientId, string correlationVector, AppInstallOptions installOptions); } public sealed class AppInstallOptions public sealed class AppInstallStatus { bool IsStaged { get; } } public sealed class AppUpdateOptions } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.UserActivities { public sealed class UserActivity { public UserActivity(string activityId); string ToJson(); public static string ToJsonArray(IIterable activities); public static UserActivity TryParseFromJson(string json); public static IVector TryParseFromJsonArray(string json); } public sealed class UserActivityChannel { public static void DisableAutoSessionCreation(); IAsyncOperation<IVector> GetRecentUserActivitiesAsync(int maxUniqueActivities); IAsyncOperation<IVector> GetSessionHistoryItemsForUserActivityAsync(string activityId, DateTime startTime); public static UserActivityChannel TryGetForWebAccount(WebAccount account); } public sealed class UserActivityRequest public sealed class UserActivityRequestedEventArgs public sealed class UserActivityRequestManager public sealed class UserActivitySessionHistoryItem public sealed class UserActivityVisualElements { string AttributionDisplayText { get; set; } } } namespace Windows.Devices.Bluetooth { public sealed class BluetoothAdapter { bool AreClassicSecureConnectionsSupported { get; } bool AreLowEnergySecureConnectionsSupported { get; } } public sealed class BluetoothDevice : IClosable { bool WasSecureConnectionUsedForPairing { get; } } public sealed class BluetoothLEDevice : IClosable { bool WasSecureConnectionUsedForPairing { get; } } } namespace Windows.Devices.Display { public sealed class DisplayMonitor public enum DisplayMonitorConnectionKind public enum DisplayMonitorDescriptorKind public enum DisplayMonitorPhysicalConnectorKind public enum DisplayMonitorUsageKind } namespace Windows.Devices.Input.Preview { public enum GazeDeviceConfigurationStatePreview public sealed class GazeDevicePreview public sealed class GazeDeviceWatcherAddedPreviewEventArgs public sealed class GazeDeviceWatcherPreview public sealed class GazeDeviceWatcherRemovedPreviewEventArgs public sealed class GazeDeviceWatcherUpdatedPreviewEventArgs public sealed class GazeEnteredPreviewEventArgs public sealed class GazeExitedPreviewEventArgs public sealed class GazeInputSourcePreview public sealed class GazeMovedPreviewEventArgs public sealed class GazePointPreview } namespace Windows.Devices.PointOfService { public sealed class BarcodeScannerReport { public BarcodeScannerReport(uint scanDataType, IBuffer scanData, IBuffer scanDataLabel); } public sealed class ClaimedBarcodeScanner : IClosable { bool IsVideoPreviewShownOnEnable { get; set; } void HideVideoPreview(); IAsyncOperation ShowVideoPreviewAsync(); } public sealed class UnifiedPosErrorData { public UnifiedPosErrorData(string message, UnifiedPosErrorSeverity severity, UnifiedPosErrorReason reason, uint extendedReason); } } namespace Windows.Devices.PointOfService.Provider { public sealed class BarcodeScannerDisableScannerRequest public sealed class BarcodeScannerDisableScannerRequestEventArgs public sealed class BarcodeScannerEnableScannerRequest public sealed class BarcodeScannerEnableScannerRequestEventArgs public sealed class BarcodeScannerGetSymbologyAttributesRequest public sealed class BarcodeScannerGetSymbologyAttributesRequestEventArgs public sealed class BarcodeScannerHideVideoPreviewRequest public sealed class BarcodeScannerHideVideoPreviewRequestEventArgs public sealed class BarcodeScannerProviderConnection : IClosable public sealed class BarcodeScannerProviderTriggerDetails public sealed class BarcodeScannerSetActiveSymbologiesRequest public sealed class BarcodeScannerSetActiveSymbologiesRequestEventArgs public sealed class BarcodeScannerSetSymbologyAttributesRequest public sealed class BarcodeScannerSetSymbologyAttributesRequestEventArgs public sealed class BarcodeScannerStartSoftwareTriggerRequest public sealed class BarcodeScannerStartSoftwareTriggerRequestEventArgs public sealed class BarcodeScannerStopSoftwareTriggerRequest public sealed class BarcodeScannerStopSoftwareTriggerRequestEventArgs public enum BarcodeScannerTriggerState public sealed class BarcodeSymbologyAttributesBuilder } namespace Windows.Foundation.Numerics { public struct Rational } namespace Windows.Globalization { public static class ApplicationLanguages { public static IVectorView GetLanguagesForUser(User user); } public sealed class Language { LanguageLayoutDirection LayoutDirection { get; } } public enum LanguageLayoutDirection } namespace Windows.Graphics { public struct DisplayAdapterId public interface IGeometrySource2D } namespace Windows.Graphics.Capture { public sealed class Direct3D11CaptureFrame : IClosable public sealed class Direct3D11CaptureFramePool : IClosable public sealed class GraphicsCaptureItem public sealed class GraphicsCapturePicker public sealed class GraphicsCaptureSession : IClosable } namespace Windows.Graphics.DirectX { public enum DirectXColorSpace } namespace Windows.Graphics.Display { public sealed class AdvancedColorInfo public enum AdvancedColorKind public sealed class BrightnessOverrideSettings public sealed class ColorOverrideSettings public enum DisplayBrightnessOverrideScenario public enum DisplayColorOverrideScenario public sealed class DisplayEnhancementOverride public sealed class DisplayEnhancementOverrideCapabilities public sealed class DisplayEnhancementOverrideCapabilitiesChangedEventArgs public sealed class DisplayInformation { event TypedEventHandler AdvancedColorInfoChanged; AdvancedColorInfo GetAdvancedColorInfo(); } public enum HdrMetadataFormat public struct NitRange } namespace Windows.Graphics.Holographic { public sealed class HolographicCamera { bool CanOverrideViewport { get; } } public sealed class HolographicCameraPose { void OverrideProjectionTransform(HolographicStereoTransform projectionTransform); void OverrideViewport(Rect leftViewport, Rect rightViewport); void OverrideViewTransform(SpatialCoordinateSystem coordinateSystem, HolographicStereoTransform coordinateSystemToViewTransform); } public sealed class HolographicFramePresentationMonitor : IClosable public sealed class HolographicFramePresentationReport public sealed class HolographicSpace { HolographicSpaceUserPresence UserPresence { get; } event TypedEventHandler UserPresenceChanged; HolographicFramePresentationMonitor CreateFramePresentationMonitor(uint maxQueuedReports); void WaitForNextFrameReady(); void WaitForNextFrameReadyWithHeadStart(TimeSpan requestedHeadStartDuration); } public enum HolographicSpaceUserPresence } namespace Windows.Graphics.Imaging { public enum BitmapPixelFormat { P010 = 104, } } namespace Windows.Graphics.Printing { public sealed class PrintPageRange public sealed class PrintPageRangeOptions public sealed class PrintTaskOptions : IPrintTaskOptionsCore, IPrintTaskOptionsCoreProperties, IPrintTaskOptionsCoreUIConfiguration { IVector CustomPageRanges { get; } PrintPageRangeOptions PageRangeOptions { get; } } public static class StandardPrintTaskOptions { public static string CustomPageRanges { get; } } } namespace Windows.Graphics.Printing.OptionDetails { public sealed class PrintBindingOptionDetails : IPrintItemListOptionDetails, IPrintOptionDetails { string Description { get; set; } string WarningText { get; set; } } public sealed class PrintBorderingOptionDetails : IPrintItemListOptionDetails, IPrintOptionDetails { string Description { get; set; } string WarningText { get; set; } } public sealed class PrintCollationOptionDetails : IPrintItemListOptionDetails, IPrintOptionDetails { string Description { get; set; } string WarningText { get; set; } } public sealed class PrintColorModeOptionDetails : IPrintItemListOptionDetails, IPrintOptionDetails { string Description { get; set; } string WarningText { get; set; } } public sealed class PrintCopiesOptionDetails : IPrintNumberOptionDetails, IPrintOptionDetails { string Description { get; set; } string WarningText { get; set; } } public sealed class PrintCustomItemListOptionDetails : IPrintCustomOptionDetails, IPrintItemListOptionDetails, IPrintOptionDetails { string Description { get; set; } string WarningText { get; set; } void AddItem(string itemId, string displayName, string description, IRandomAccessStreamWithContentType icon); } public sealed class PrintCustomTextOptionDetails : IPrintCustomOptionDetails, IPrintOptionDetails { string Description { get; set; } string WarningText { get; set; } } public sealed class PrintCustomToggleOptionDetails : IPrintCustomOptionDetails, IPrintOptionDetails public sealed class PrintDuplexOptionDetails : IPrintItemListOptionDetails, IPrintOptionDetails { string Description { get; set; } string WarningText { get; set; } } public sealed class PrintHolePunchOptionDetails : IPrintItemListOptionDetails, IPrintOptionDetails { string Description { get; set; } string WarningText { get; set; } } public sealed class PrintMediaSizeOptionDetails : IPrintItemListOptionDetails, IPrintOptionDetails { string Description { get; set; } string WarningText { get; set; } } public sealed class PrintMediaTypeOptionDetails : IPrintItemListOptionDetails, IPrintOptionDetails { string Description { get; set; } string WarningText { get; set; } } public enum PrintOptionType { Toggle = 4, } public sealed class PrintOrientationOptionDetails : IPrintItemListOptionDetails, IPrintOptionDetails { string Description { get; set; } string WarningText { get; set; } } public sealed class PrintPageRangeOptionDetails : IPrintOptionDetails public sealed class PrintQualityOptionDetails : IPrintItemListOptionDetails, IPrintOptionDetails { string Description { get; set; } string WarningText { get; set; } } public sealed class PrintStapleOptionDetails : IPrintItemListOptionDetails, IPrintOptionDetails { string Description { get; set; } string WarningText { get; set; } } public sealed class PrintTaskOptionDetails : IPrintTaskOptionsCore, IPrintTaskOptionsCoreUIConfiguration { PrintCustomToggleOptionDetails CreateToggleOption(string optionId, string displayName); } } namespace Windows.Management.Deployment { public sealed class PackageManager { IAsyncOperationWithProgress RequestAddPackageAsync(Uri packageUri, IIterable dependencyPackageUris, DeploymentOptions deploymentOptions, PackageVolume targetVolume, IIterable optionalPackageFamilyNames, IIterable relatedPackageUris, IIterable packageUrisToInstall); } } namespace Windows.Management.Update { public sealed class PreviewBuildsManager public sealed class PreviewBuildsState } namespace Windows.Media { public sealed class VideoFrame : IClosable, IMediaFrame { IAsyncAction CopyToAsync(VideoFrame frame, IReference sourceBounds, IReference destinationBounds); public static VideoFrame CreateAsDirect3D11SurfaceBacked(DirectXPixelFormat format, int width, int height); public static VideoFrame CreateAsDirect3D11SurfaceBacked(DirectXPixelFormat format, int width, int height, IDirect3DDevice device); public static VideoFrame CreateWithDirect3D11Surface(IDirect3DSurface surface); public static VideoFrame CreateWithSoftwareBitmap(SoftwareBitmap bitmap); } } namespace Windows.Media.Audio { public sealed class AudioGraph : IClosable { IAsyncOperation CreateMediaSourceAudioInputNodeAsync(MediaSource mediaSource); IAsyncOperation CreateMediaSourceAudioInputNodeAsync(MediaSource mediaSource, AudioNodeEmitter emitter); } public sealed class AudioGraphSettings { double MaxPlaybackSpeedFactor { get; set; } } public sealed class AudioStateMonitor public sealed class CreateMediaSourceAudioInputNodeResult public sealed class MediaSourceAudioInputNode : IAudioInputNode, IAudioInputNode2, IAudioNode, IClosable public enum MediaSourceAudioInputNodeCreationStatus } namespace Windows.Media.Capture { public sealed class CapturedFrame : IClosable, IContentTypeProvider, IInputStream, IOutputStream, IRandomAccessStream, IRandomAccessStreamWithContentType { BitmapPropertySet BitmapProperties { get; } CapturedFrameControlValues ControlValues { get; } } public enum KnownVideoProfile { HdrWithWcgPhoto = 8, HdrWithWcgVideo = 7, HighFrameRate = 5, VariablePhotoSequence = 6, VideoHdr8 = 9, } public sealed class MediaCaptureSettings { IDirect3DDevice Direct3D11Device { get; } } public sealed class MediaCaptureVideoProfile { IVectorView FrameSourceInfos { get; } IMapView Properties { get; } } public sealed class MediaCaptureVideoProfileMediaDescription { IMapView Properties { get; } string Subtype { get; } } } namespace Windows.Media.Capture.Frames { public sealed class AudioMediaFrame public sealed class MediaFrameFormat { AudioEncodingProperties AudioEncodingProperties { get; } } public sealed class MediaFrameReference : IClosable { AudioMediaFrame AudioMediaFrame { get; } } public sealed class MediaFrameSourceController { AudioDeviceController AudioDeviceController { get; } } public sealed class MediaFrameSourceInfo { string ProfileId { get; } IVectorView VideoProfileMediaDescription { get; } } public enum MediaFrameSourceKind { Audio = 4, Image = 5, } } namespace Windows.Media.Core { public sealed class AudioStreamDescriptor : IMediaStreamDescriptor, IMediaStreamDescriptor2 { AudioStreamDescriptor Copy(); } public sealed class MediaBindingEventArgs { void SetDownloadOperation(DownloadOperation downloadOperation); } public sealed class MediaSource : IClosable, IMediaPlaybackSource { DownloadOperation DownloadOperation { get; } public static MediaSource CreateFromDownloadOperation(DownloadOperation downloadOperation); } public sealed class TimedMetadataStreamDescriptor : IMediaStreamDescriptor, IMediaStreamDescriptor2 public sealed class VideoStreamDescriptor : IMediaStreamDescriptor, IMediaStreamDescriptor2 { VideoStreamDescriptor Copy(); } } namespace Windows.Media.Devices { public sealed class VideoDeviceController : IMediaDeviceController { VideoTemporalDenoisingControl VideoTemporalDenoisingControl { get; } } public sealed class VideoTemporalDenoisingControl public enum VideoTemporalDenoisingMode } namespace Windows.Media.DialProtocol { public sealed class DialReceiverApp { IAsyncOperation GetUniqueDeviceNameAsync(); } } namespace Windows.Media.Effects { public sealed class VideoTransformEffectDefinition : IVideoEffectDefinition { VideoTransformSphericalProjection SphericalProjection { get; } } public sealed class VideoTransformSphericalProjection } namespace Windows.Media.MediaProperties { public sealed class AudioEncodingProperties : IMediaEncodingProperties { AudioEncodingProperties Copy(); } public sealed class ContainerEncodingProperties : IMediaEncodingProperties { ContainerEncodingProperties Copy(); } public sealed class ImageEncodingProperties : IMediaEncodingProperties { ImageEncodingProperties Copy(); } public sealed class MediaEncodingProfile { IVector GetTimedMetadataTracks(); void SetTimedMetadataTracks(IIterable value); } public static class MediaEncodingSubtypes { public static string P010 { get; } } public enum MediaPixelFormat { P010 = 2, } public sealed class TimedMetadataEncodingProperties : IMediaEncodingProperties public sealed class VideoEncodingProperties : IMediaEncodingProperties { VideoEncodingProperties Copy(); } } namespace Windows.Media.Playback { public sealed class MediaPlaybackSession { MediaRotation PlaybackRotation { get; set; } MediaPlaybackSessionOutputDegradationPolicyState GetOutputDegradationPolicyState(); } public sealed class MediaPlaybackSessionOutputDegradationPolicyState public enum MediaPlaybackSessionVideoConstrictionReason public sealed class MediaPlayer : IClosable { AudioStateMonitor AudioStateMonitor { get; } } } namespace Windows.Media.SpeechSynthesis { public enum SpeechAppendedSilence public enum SpeechPunctuationSilence public sealed class SpeechSynthesizerOptions { SpeechAppendedSilence AppendedSilence { get; set; } SpeechPunctuationSilence PunctuationSilence { get; set; } } } namespace Windows.Media.Streaming.Adaptive { public sealed class AdaptiveMediaSourceDiagnosticAvailableEventArgs { string ResourceContentType { get; } IReference ResourceDuration { get; } } public sealed class AdaptiveMediaSourceDownloadCompletedEventArgs { string ResourceContentType { get; } IReference ResourceDuration { get; } } public sealed class AdaptiveMediaSourceDownloadFailedEventArgs { string ResourceContentType { get; } IReference ResourceDuration { get; } } public sealed class AdaptiveMediaSourceDownloadRequestedEventArgs { string ResourceContentType { get; } IReference ResourceDuration { get; } } } namespace Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer { public sealed class DownloadOperation : IBackgroundTransferOperation, IBackgroundTransferOperationPriority { void MakeCurrentInTransferGroup(); } public sealed class UploadOperation : IBackgroundTransferOperation, IBackgroundTransferOperationPriority { void MakeCurrentInTransferGroup(); } } namespace Windows.Networking.Connectivity { public sealed class CellularApnContext { string ProfileName { get; set; } } public sealed class ConnectionProfileFilter { IReference PurposeGuid { get; set; } } public sealed class WwanConnectionProfileDetails { WwanNetworkIPKind IPKind { get; } IVectorView PurposeGuids { get; } } public enum WwanNetworkIPKind } namespace Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators { public sealed class ESim public sealed class ESimAddedEventArgs public enum ESimAuthenticationPreference public sealed class ESimDownloadProfileMetadataResult public static class ESimManager public sealed class ESimOperationResult public enum ESimOperationStatus public sealed class ESimPolicy public sealed class ESimProfile public enum ESimProfileClass public struct ESimProfileInstallProgress public sealed class ESimProfileMetadata public enum ESimProfileMetadataState public sealed class ESimProfilePolicy public enum ESimProfileState public sealed class ESimRemovedEventArgs public sealed class ESimServiceInfo public enum ESimState public sealed class ESimUpdatedEventArgs public sealed class ESimWatcher public enum ESimWatcherStatus public sealed class MobileBroadbandAntennaSar { public MobileBroadbandAntennaSar(int antennaIndex, int sarBackoffIndex); } public sealed class MobileBroadbandModem { bool IsInEmergencyCallMode { get; } event TypedEventHandler IsInEmergencyCallModeChanged; IAsyncOperation TryGetPcoAsync(); } public sealed class MobileBroadbandModemIsolation public sealed class MobileBroadbandPco public sealed class MobileBroadbandPcoDataChangeTriggerDetails public enum NetworkOperatorDataUsageNotificationKind public sealed class NetworkOperatorDataUsageTriggerDetails public sealed class TetheringEntitlementCheckTriggerDetails } namespace Windows.Networking.Sockets { public sealed class MessageWebSocket : IClosable, IWebSocket { IAsyncOperationWithProgress SendFinalFrameAsync(IBuffer data); IAsyncOperationWithProgress SendNonfinalFrameAsync(IBuffer data); } public sealed class ServerMessageWebSocket : IClosable public sealed class ServerMessageWebSocketControl public sealed class ServerMessageWebSocketInformation public sealed class ServerStreamWebSocket : IClosable public sealed class ServerStreamWebSocketInformation } namespace Windows.Networking.Vpn { public sealed class VpnChannel { object CurrentRequestTransportContext { get; } void AddAndAssociateTransport(object transport, object context); ControlChannelTriggerStatus GetSlotTypeForTransportContext(object context); void ReplaceAndAssociateTransport(object transport, object context); void StartReconnectingTransport(object transport, object context); void StartWithTrafficFilter(IIterable assignedClientIpv4Addresses, IIterable assignedClientIpv6Addresses, VpnInterfaceId vpninterfaceId, VpnRouteAssignment assignedRoutes, VpnDomainNameAssignment assignedNamespace, uint mtuSize, uint maxFrameSize, bool reserved, IIterable transports, VpnTrafficFilterAssignment assignedTrafficFilters); } public sealed class VpnPacketBuffer { object TransportContext { get; set; } } } namespace Windows.Security.Authentication.Identity.Provider { public enum SecondaryAuthenticationFactorAuthenticationMessage { CanceledByUser = 22, CenterHand = 23, ConnectionRequired = 20, DeviceUnavailable = 28, MoveHandCloser = 24, MoveHandFarther = 25, PlaceHandAbove = 26, RecognitionFailed = 27, TimeLimitExceeded = 21, } } namespace Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Core { public sealed class FindAllAccountsResult public enum FindAllWebAccountsStatus public static class WebAuthenticationCoreManager { public static IAsyncOperation FindAllAccountsAsync(WebAccountProvider provider); public static IAsyncOperation FindAllAccountsAsync(WebAccountProvider provider, string clientId); public static IAsyncOperation FindSystemAccountProviderAsync(string webAccountProviderId); public static IAsyncOperation FindSystemAccountProviderAsync(string webAccountProviderId, string authority); public static IAsyncOperation FindSystemAccountProviderAsync(string webAccountProviderId, string authority, User user); } } namespace Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Provider { public sealed class WebProviderTokenRequest { string ApplicationPackageFamilyName { get; } string ApplicationProcessName { get; } IAsyncOperation CheckApplicationForCapabilityAsync(string capabilityName); } } namespace Windows.Security.Credentials { public sealed class WebAccountProvider { bool IsSystemProvider { get; } } } namespace Windows.Services.Maps { public sealed class MapRouteDrivingOptions { IReference DepartureTime { get; set; } } public sealed class PlaceInfo { public static PlaceInfo CreateFromAddress(string displayAddress); public static PlaceInfo CreateFromAddress(string displayAddress, string displayName); } } namespace Windows.Services.Store { public sealed class StoreCanAcquireLicenseResult public enum StoreCanLicenseStatus public sealed class StoreContext { bool CanSilentlyDownloadStorePackageUpdates { get; } IAsyncOperation CanAcquireStoreLicenseAsync(string productStoreId); IAsyncOperation CanAcquireStoreLicenseForOptionalPackageAsync(Package optionalPackage); IAsyncOperationWithProgress DownloadAndInstallStorePackagesAsync(IIterable storeIds); IAsyncOperation<IVectorView> GetAssociatedStoreQueueItemsAsync(); IAsyncOperation GetStoreProductsAsync(IIterable productKinds, IIterable storeIds, StoreProductOptions storeProductOptions); IAsyncOperation<IVectorView> GetStoreQueueItemsAsync(IIterable storeIds); IAsyncOperationWithProgress RequestDownloadAndInstallStorePackagesAsync(IIterable storeIds, StorePackageInstallOptions storePackageInstallOptions); IAsyncOperation RequestUninstallStorePackageAsync(Package package); IAsyncOperation RequestUninstallStorePackageByStoreIdAsync(string storeId); IAsyncOperationWithProgress TrySilentDownloadAndInstallStorePackageUpdatesAsync(IIterable storePackageUpdates); IAsyncOperationWithProgress TrySilentDownloadStorePackageUpdatesAsync(IIterable storePackageUpdates); IAsyncOperation UninstallStorePackageAsync(Package package); IAsyncOperation UninstallStorePackageByStoreIdAsync(string storeId); } public sealed class StorePackageInstallOptions public sealed class StorePackageUpdateResult { IVectorView StoreQueueItems { get; } } public sealed class StoreProductOptions public sealed class StoreQueueItem public sealed class StoreQueueItemCompletedEventArgs public enum StoreQueueItemExtendedState public enum StoreQueueItemKind public enum StoreQueueItemState public sealed class StoreQueueItemStatus public sealed class StoreUninstallStorePackageResult public enum StoreUninstallStorePackageStatus } namespace Windows.Storage { public sealed class StorageFolder : IStorageFolder, IStorageFolder2, IStorageFolderQueryOperations, IStorageItem, IStorageItem2, IStorageItemProperties, IStorageItemProperties2, IStorageItemPropertiesWithProvider { StorageLibraryChangeTracker TryGetChangeTracker(); } } namespace Windows.Storage.Provider { public interface IStorageProviderUriSource public sealed class StorageProviderGetContentInfoForPathResult public sealed class StorageProviderGetPathForContentUriResult public enum StorageProviderUriSourceStatus } namespace Windows.Storage.Search { public sealed class StorageLibraryChangeTrackerTriggerDetails } namespace Windows.System { public sealed class AppActivationResult public sealed class AppDiagnosticInfo { IAsyncOperation LaunchAsync(); } public sealed class AppExecutionStateChangeResult public sealed class AppResourceGroupInfo { IAsyncOperation StartResumeAsync(); IAsyncOperation StartSuspendAsync(); IAsyncOperation StartTerminateAsync(); } public enum AutoUpdateTimeZoneStatus public static class TimeZoneSettings { public static IAsyncOperation AutoUpdateTimeZoneAsync(TimeSpan timeout); } } namespace Windows.System.Diagnostics { public sealed class DiagnosticInvoker { IAsyncOperationWithProgress RunDiagnosticActionFromStringAsync(string context); } } namespace Windows.System.Diagnostics.DevicePortal { public sealed class DevicePortalConnection { ServerMessageWebSocket GetServerMessageWebSocketForRequest(HttpRequestMessage request); ServerMessageWebSocket GetServerMessageWebSocketForRequest(HttpRequestMessage request, SocketMessageType messageType, string protocol); ServerMessageWebSocket GetServerMessageWebSocketForRequest(HttpRequestMessage request, SocketMessageType messageType, string protocol, uint outboundBufferSizeInBytes, uint maxMessageSize, MessageWebSocketReceiveMode receiveMode); ServerStreamWebSocket GetServerStreamWebSocketForRequest(HttpRequestMessage request); ServerStreamWebSocket GetServerStreamWebSocketForRequest(HttpRequestMessage request, string protocol, uint outboundBufferSizeInBytes, bool noDelay); } public sealed class DevicePortalConnectionRequestReceivedEventArgs { bool IsWebSocketUpgradeRequest { get; } IVectorView WebSocketProtocolsRequested { get; } Deferral GetDeferral(); } } namespace Windows.System.Inventory { public sealed class InstalledDesktopApp : IStringable } namespace Windows.System.Profile { public static class AnalyticsInfo { public static IAsyncOperation<IMapView> GetClientPropertiesAsync(IIterable attributeNames); } } namespace Windows.System.RemoteSystems { public sealed class RemoteSystem { RemoteSystemPlatform Platform { get; } } public sealed class RemoteSystemEnumerationCompletedEventArgs public enum RemoteSystemPlatform public sealed class RemoteSystemWatcher { event TypedEventHandler EnumerationCompleted; event TypedEventHandler ErrorOcurred; } public enum RemoteSystemWatcherError public sealed class RemoteSystemWatcherErrorOcurredEventArgs } namespace Windows.System.UserProfile { public static class GlobalizationPreferences { public static GlobalizationPreferencesForUser GetForUser(User user); } public sealed class GlobalizationPreferencesForUser } namespace Windows.UI.ApplicationSettings { public sealed class AccountsSettingsPane { public static IAsyncAction ShowAddAccountForUserAsync(User user); public static IAsyncAction ShowManageAccountsForUserAsync(User user); } public sealed class AccountsSettingsPaneCommandsRequestedEventArgs { User User { get; } } } namespace Windows.UI.Composition { public sealed class AnimationController : CompositionObject public enum AnimationControllerProgressBehavior public sealed class BounceScalarNaturalMotionAnimation : ScalarNaturalMotionAnimation public sealed class BounceVector2NaturalMotionAnimation : Vector2NaturalMotionAnimation public sealed class BounceVector3NaturalMotionAnimation : Vector3NaturalMotionAnimation public sealed class CompositionContainerShape : CompositionShape public sealed class CompositionEllipseGeometry : CompositionGeometry public class CompositionGeometry : CompositionObject public class CompositionLight : CompositionObject { bool IsEnabled { get; set; } } public sealed class CompositionLineGeometry : CompositionGeometry public class CompositionObject : IClosable { AnimationController TryGetAnimationController(string propertyName); } public sealed class CompositionPath : IGeometrySource2D public sealed class CompositionPathGeometry : CompositionGeometry public sealed class CompositionRectangleGeometry : CompositionGeometry public sealed class CompositionRoundedRectangleGeometry : CompositionGeometry public class CompositionShape : CompositionObject public sealed class CompositionShapeCollection : CompositionObject, IIterable, IVector public sealed class CompositionSpriteShape : CompositionShape public enum CompositionStrokeCap public sealed class CompositionStrokeDashArray : CompositionObject, IIterable, IVector public enum CompositionStrokeLineJoin public sealed class CompositionViewBox : CompositionObject public sealed class Compositor : IClosable { string Comment { get; set; } float GlobalPlaybackRate { get; set; } public static float MaxGlobalPlaybackRate { get; } public static float MinGlobalPlaybackRate { get; } BounceScalarNaturalMotionAnimation CreateBounceScalarAnimation(); BounceVector2NaturalMotionAnimation CreateBounceVector2Animation(); BounceVector3NaturalMotionAnimation CreateBounceVector3Animation(); CompositionContainerShape CreateContainerShape(); CompositionEllipseGeometry CreateEllipseGeometry(); CompositionLineGeometry CreateLineGeometry(); CompositionPathGeometry CreatePathGeometry(); CompositionPathGeometry CreatePathGeometry(CompositionPath path); PathKeyFrameAnimation CreatePathKeyFrameAnimation(); CompositionRectangleGeometry CreateRectangleGeometry(); CompositionRoundedRectangleGeometry CreateRoundedRectangleGeometry(); ShapeVisual CreateShapeVisual(); CompositionSpriteShape CreateSpriteShape(); CompositionSpriteShape CreateSpriteShape(CompositionGeometry geometry); CompositionViewBox CreateViewBox(); IAsyncAction RequestCommitAsync(); } public sealed class PathKeyFrameAnimation : KeyFrameAnimation public sealed class PointLight : CompositionLight { float MaxAttenuationCutoff { get; set; } float MinAttenuationCutoff { get; set; } } public sealed class ShapeVisual : ContainerVisual public sealed class SpotLight : CompositionLight { float MaxAttenuationCutoff { get; set; } float MinAttenuationCutoff { get; set; } } } namespace Windows.UI.Composition.Core { public sealed class CompositorController : IClosable } namespace Windows.UI.Composition.Desktop { public sealed class DesktopWindowTarget : CompositionTarget } namespace Windows.UI.Composition.Diagnostics { public sealed class CompositionDebugHeatMaps public enum CompositionDebugOverdrawContentKinds : uint public sealed class CompositionDebugSettings } namespace Windows.UI.Composition.Interactions { public enum VisualInteractionSourceRedirectionMode { CapableTouchpadAndPointerWheel = 3, PointerWheelOnly = 2, } } namespace Windows.UI.Core { public enum AppViewBackButtonVisibility { Disabled = 2, } public sealed class CoreComponentInputSource : ICoreInputSourceBase, ICorePointerInputSource, ICorePointerInputSource2 { DispatcherQueue DispatcherQueue { get; } } public sealed class CoreIndependentInputSource : ICoreInputSourceBase, ICorePointerInputSource, ICorePointerInputSource2 { DispatcherQueue DispatcherQueue { get; } } public interface ICorePointerInputSource2 : ICorePointerInputSource } namespace Windows.UI.Input.Core { public sealed class RadialControllerIndependentInputSource { DispatcherQueue DispatcherQueue { get; } } } namespace Windows.UI.Input.Inking { public sealed class InkDrawingAttributes { InkModelerAttributes ModelerAttributes { get; } } public sealed class InkInputConfiguration public sealed class InkModelerAttributes public sealed class InkPresenter { InkInputConfiguration InputConfiguration { get; } } } namespace Windows.UI.Input.Spatial { public sealed class SpatialInteractionController { BatteryReport TryGetBatteryReport(); } } namespace Windows.UI.Notifications { public sealed class ScheduledToastNotification { IReference ExpirationTime { get; set; } } } namespace Windows.UI.StartScreen { public sealed class TileMixedRealityModel { TileMixedRealityModelActivationBehavior ActivationBehavior { get; set; } } public enum TileMixedRealityModelActivationBehavior } namespace Windows.UI.Text { public sealed class ContentLinkInfo public sealed class RichEditTextRange : ITextRange public enum TextRangeUnit { ContentLink = 32, } } namespace Windows.UI.ViewManagement { public sealed class ApplicationViewTab public sealed class ApplicationViewTabBadge public sealed class ApplicationViewTabIcon public sealed class ApplicationViewTabManager public sealed class ApplicationViewTabManagerTabClosedEventArgs public sealed class ApplicationViewTabManagerTabCloseRequestedEventArgs public sealed class ApplicationViewTabManagerTabDraggedOutEventArgs public sealed class ApplicationViewTabManagerTabDroppedInEventArgs public sealed class ApplicationViewTabManagerTabRearrangedEventArgs public static class ApplicationViewTabPolicy } namespace Windows.UI.ViewManagement.Core { public sealed class CoreInputView { event TypedEventHandler XYFocusTransferredToPrimaryView; event TypedEventHandler XYFocusTransferringFromPrimaryView; bool TryTransferXYFocusToPrimaryView(Rect origin, CoreInputViewXYFocusTransferDirection direction); } public sealed class CoreInputViewTransferringXYFocusEventArgs public enum CoreInputViewXYFocusTransferDirection } namespace Windows.UI.WebUI { public sealed class WebUIBarcodeScannerPreviewActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IBarcodeScannerPreviewActivatedEventArgs public sealed class WebUILaunchActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IApplicationViewActivatedEventArgs, ILaunchActivatedEventArgs, ILaunchActivatedEventArgs2, IPrelaunchActivatedEventArgs { TileActivatedInfo TileActivatedInfo { get; } } } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml { public sealed class BringIntoViewOptions { double HorizontalAlignmentRatio { get; set; } double HorizontalOffset { get; set; } double VerticalAlignmentRatio { get; set; } double VerticalOffset { get; set; } } public sealed class BringIntoViewRequestedEventArgs : RoutedEventArgs public sealed class ElementSoundPlayer { public static ElementSpatialAudioMode SpatialAudioMode { get; set; } } public enum ElementSpatialAudioMode public enum FocusVisualKind { Reveal = 2, } public class UIElement : DependencyObject { public static RoutedEvent BringIntoViewRequestedEvent { get; } public static RoutedEvent ContextRequestedEvent { get; } KeyboardAcceleratorPlacementMode KeyboardAcceleratorPlacementMode { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty KeyboardAcceleratorPlacementModeProperty { get; } DependencyObject KeyboardAcceleratorPlacementTarget { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty KeyboardAcceleratorPlacementTargetProperty { get; } DependencyObject KeyTipTarget { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty KeyTipTargetProperty { get; } event TypedEventHandler BringIntoViewRequested; virtual void OnBringIntoViewRequested(BringIntoViewRequestedEventArgs e); virtual void OnKeyboardAcceleratorInvoked(KeyboardAcceleratorInvokedEventArgs args); public static void RegisterAsScrollPort(UIElement element); } } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation { public sealed class AutomationElementIdentifiers { public static AutomationProperty HeadingLevelProperty { get; } } public sealed class AutomationProperties { public static DependencyProperty HeadingLevelProperty { get; } public static AutomationHeadingLevel GetHeadingLevel(DependencyObject element); public static void SetHeadingLevel(DependencyObject element, AutomationHeadingLevel value); } } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers { public enum AutomationHeadingLevel public class AutomationPeer : DependencyObject { AutomationHeadingLevel GetHeadingLevel(); virtual AutomationHeadingLevel GetHeadingLevelCore(); } public sealed class AutoSuggestBoxAutomationPeer : FrameworkElementAutomationPeer, IInvokeProvider { void Invoke(); } public class CalendarDatePickerAutomationPeer : FrameworkElementAutomationPeer, IInvokeProvider, IValueProvider public class TreeViewItemAutomationPeer : ListViewItemAutomationPeer, IExpandCollapseProvider public class TreeViewListAutomationPeer : SelectorAutomationPeer } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls { public class AppBarButton : Button, ICommandBarElement, ICommandBarElement2 { string KeyboardAcceleratorTextOverride { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty KeyboardAcceleratorTextOverrideProperty { get; } AppBarButtonTemplateSettings TemplateSettings { get; } } public class AppBarToggleButton : ToggleButton, ICommandBarElement, ICommandBarElement2 { string KeyboardAcceleratorTextOverride { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty KeyboardAcceleratorTextOverrideProperty { get; } AppBarToggleButtonTemplateSettings TemplateSettings { get; } } public sealed class ContentLinkChangedEventArgs public enum ContentLinkChangeKind public sealed class HandwritingPanelClosedEventArgs public sealed class HandwritingPanelOpenedEventArgs public enum HandwritingPanelPlacementAlignment public class HandwritingView : Control public class IconSource : DependencyObject { protected IconSource(); } public class MediaTransportControls : Control { bool IsCompactOverlayButtonVisible { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty IsCompactOverlayButtonVisibleProperty { get; } bool IsCompactOverlayEnabled { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty IsCompactOverlayEnabledProperty { get; } } public class MenuFlyoutItem : MenuFlyoutItemBase { string KeyboardAcceleratorTextOverride { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty KeyboardAcceleratorTextOverrideProperty { get; } MenuFlyoutItemTemplateSettings TemplateSettings { get; } } public class NavigationView : ContentControl { NavigationViewBackButtonVisible IsBackButtonVisible { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty IsBackButtonVisibleProperty { get; } bool IsBackEnabled { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty IsBackEnabledProperty { get; } string PaneTitle { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty PaneTitleProperty { get; } event TypedEventHandler BackRequested; event TypedEventHandler PaneClosed; event TypedEventHandler PaneClosing; event TypedEventHandler PaneOpened; event TypedEventHandler PaneOpening; } public enum NavigationViewBackButtonVisible public sealed class NavigationViewBackRequestedEventArgs public sealed class NavigationViewPaneClosingEventArgs public class RefreshContainer : ContentControl public sealed class RefreshInteractionRatioChangedEventArgs public enum RefreshPullDirection public sealed class RefreshRequestedEventArgs public sealed class RefreshStateChangedEventArgs public class RefreshVisualizer : Control public enum RefreshVisualizerOrientation public enum RefreshVisualizerState public class RichEditBox : Control { SolidColorBrush ContentLinkBackgroundColor { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty ContentLinkBackgroundColorProperty { get; } SolidColorBrush ContentLinkForegroundColor { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty ContentLinkForegroundColorProperty { get; } ContentLinkProviderCollection ContentLinkProviders { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty ContentLinkProvidersProperty { get; } HandwritingView HandwritingView { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty HandwritingViewProperty { get; } bool IsHandwritingViewEnabled { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty IsHandwritingViewEnabledProperty { get; } event TypedEventHandler ContentLinkChanged; event TypedEventHandler ContentLinkInvoked; } public class TextBox : Control { HandwritingView HandwritingView { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty HandwritingViewProperty { get; } bool IsHandwritingViewEnabled { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty IsHandwritingViewEnabledProperty { get; } } public class TreeView : Control public sealed class TreeViewCollapsedEventArgs public sealed class TreeViewExpandingEventArgs public class TreeViewItem : ListViewItem public sealed class TreeViewItemInvokedEventArgs public class TreeViewItemTemplateSettings : DependencyObject public class TreeViewList : ListView public class TreeViewNode : DependencyObject public enum TreeViewSelectionMode public sealed class WebView : FrameworkElement { event TypedEventHandler SeparateProcessLost; } public enum WebViewExecutionMode { SeparateProcess = 2, } public enum WebViewPermissionType { Screen = 5, WebVR = 6, } public sealed class WebViewSeparateProcessLostEventArgs } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Maps { public sealed class MapControl : Control { string Region { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty RegionProperty { get; } } public class MapElement : DependencyObject { bool IsEnabled { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty IsEnabledProperty { get; } } } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives { public sealed class AppBarButtonTemplateSettings : DependencyObject public sealed class AppBarToggleButtonTemplateSettings : DependencyObject public sealed class MenuFlyoutItemTemplateSettings : DependencyObject } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Documents { public sealed class ContactContentLinkProvider : ContentLinkProvider public sealed class ContentLink : Inline public sealed class ContentLinkInvokedEventArgs public class ContentLinkProvider : DependencyObject public sealed class ContentLinkProviderCollection : IIterable, IVector public sealed class PlaceContentLinkProvider : ContentLinkProvider } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Input { public sealed class FocusManager { public static IAsyncOperation TryFocusAsync(DependencyObject element, FocusState value); public static IAsyncOperation TryMoveFocusAsync(FocusNavigationDirection focusNavigationDirection); public static IAsyncOperation TryMoveFocusAsync(FocusNavigationDirection focusNavigationDirection, FindNextElementOptions focusNavigationOptions); } public sealed class FocusMovementResult public sealed class GettingFocusEventArgs : RoutedEventArgs { bool TryCancel(); bool TrySetNewFocusedElement(DependencyObject element); } public sealed class KeyboardAcceleratorInvokedEventArgs { KeyboardAccelerator KeyboardAccelerator { get; } } public enum KeyboardAcceleratorPlacementMode public sealed class LosingFocusEventArgs : RoutedEventArgs { bool TryCancel(); bool TrySetNewFocusedElement(DependencyObject element); } } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Media { public sealed class CompositionTarget { public static event EventHandler Rendered; } public sealed class RenderedEventArgs } namespace Windows.Web.UI { public interface IWebViewControl public sealed class WebViewControlContentLoadingEventArgs public sealed class WebViewControlDeferredPermissionRequest public sealed class WebViewControlDOMContentLoadedEventArgs public sealed class WebViewControlLongRunningScriptDetectedEventArgs public sealed class WebViewControlNavigationCompletedEventArgs public sealed class WebViewControlNavigationStartingEventArgs public sealed class WebViewControlNewWindowRequestedEventArgs public sealed class WebViewControlPermissionRequest public sealed class WebViewControlPermissionRequestedEventArgs public enum WebViewControlPermissionState public enum WebViewControlPermissionType public sealed class WebViewControlScriptNotifyEventArgs public sealed class WebViewControlSettings public sealed class WebViewControlUnsupportedUriSchemeIdentifiedEventArgs public sealed class WebViewControlUnviewableContentIdentifiedEventArgs public sealed class WebViewControlWebResourceRequestedEventArgs } namespace Windows.Web.UI.Interop { public sealed class WebViewControl : IWebViewControl public sealed class WebViewControlAcceleratorKeyPressedEventArgs public enum WebViewControlAcceleratorKeyRoutingStage public enum WebViewControlMoveFocusReason public sealed class WebViewControlMoveFocusRequestedEventArgs public sealed class WebViewControlProcess public enum WebViewControlProcessCapabilityState public sealed class WebViewControlProcessOptions }
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