This past weekend I attended the R User Day at Data Day Texas in Austin. It was a great event, mainly because so many awesome people from the R community came to give some really interesting talks. Lucy D’Agostino McGowan has kindly provided a list of the talks and links to slides, and I thoroughly recommend checking it out: you're sure to find a talk (or two, or five or ten) that interests you.
My own talk was on Speeding up R with Parallel Programming in the Cloud, where I talked about using the doAzureParallel package to launch clusters for use with the foreach
function, and using aztk to launch Spark clusters for use with the sparklyr package. I've embdeded the slides below: it's not quite the same without the demos (and sadly there was no video recording), but I've included screenshots in the slides to hopefully make it clear.
Live Free or Dichotomize: Wrangling Data Day Texas Slides