The R Consortium has been quite busy lately, so I thought I'd take a moment to bring you up to speed on some recent news. (Disclosure: Microsoft is a member of the R Consortium, and I am a member of its board of directors.)
- Many R Consortium funded projects are underway. The "Quantities for R" project has released its first working prototype, the DBI project for database interfaces to R is near completion, and the second SatRDays conference was recently held in Cape Town.
- A survey of R package developers on licensing, revealed several insights on motivations behind choices on open source licenses.
- R-Ladies has been promoted to a top-level R Consortium project, and project lead Gabriela de Queiroz joins the Infrastructure Steering Committee.
You can keep up with news from the R Consortium by following @RConsortium on Twitter, or at the R Consortium blog.