In 2016, Bing joined the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP for short) open-source effort to help you “find” and “do” searches faster, regardless of where you are and on any device when you are looking for informaiton. Today, we are pleased to announce the release of Bing AMP viewer and Bing AMP Cache enabling AMP-enabled web pages to work directly from Bing’s mobile search results allowing Bing to provide faster mobile experiences to Bing users.
On Monday, the 17th we started the first phase of the global roll out of this AMP viewer and AMP carrousel in the United States for the news carrousel. We will continue the phased roll out to more web sites, more countries and regions and other links in the search results pages. Also, if you are in the United States, try it out on your mobile device by navigating to and search for news related queries and tapping the search results labelled with the AMP icon: .
Advice for AMP webmasters, AMP advertisers
The AMP protocol offers the ability to cache and serve cached copied AMP content that is published on the web, providing faster user experiences on Bing. In order to enable your AMP published content within Bing, you need to allow the Bingbot (our crawler) to fetch AMP content and allow cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) for domain. Most AMP enabled sites and advertisers have already authorized the CORS sharing for the domain, but now need to also to the allowed list.
Thank you,
Fabrice Canel
Principal Program Manager
Microsoft Bing