Today, we are announcing the general availability of the new, simplified Azure management libraries for Java for Compute, Storage, SQL Database, Networking, Resource Manager, Key Vault, Redis, CDN and Batch services.
Azure Management Libraries for Java are open source -
Service | feature | Generally available | Available as preview | Coming soon |
Compute |
Virtual machines and VM extensions |
Azure container services |
Storage |
Storage accounts |
Encryption |
SQL Database |
Databases |
Networking |
Virtual networks |
Load balances |
More services |
Resource Manager |
App service - Web apps |
Monitor |
Fundamentals |
Authentication - core |
Async methods |
Generally available means that developers can use these libraries in production with full support by Microsoft through GitHub or Azure support channels. Preview features are flagged with the @Beta annotation in libraries.
In Spring 2016, based on Java developer feedback, we started a journey to simplify the Azure management libraries for Java. Our goal is to improve the developer experience by providing a higher-level, object-oriented API, optimized for readability and writability. We announced multiple previews of the libraries. During the preview period, early adopters provided us with valuable feedback and helped us prioritize features and Azure services to be supported. For example, we added support for asynchronous methods that enables developers to use reactive programming patterns. And, we also added support for Azure Service Bus.
Getting Started
Add the following dependency fragment to your Maven POM file to use the generally available version of the libraries:
<dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>azure</artifactId> <version>1.0.0</version> </dependency>
Working with the Azure Management Libraries for Java
One Java statement to authenticate. One statement to create a virtual machine. One statement to modify an existing virtual network ... No more guessing about what is required vs. optional vs. non-modifiable.
Azure Authentication
One statement to authenticate and choose a subscription. The Azure class is the simplest entry point for creating and interacting with Azure resources.
Azure azure = Azure.authenticate(credFile).withDefaultSubscription();
Create a Virtual Machine
You can create a virtual machine instance by using the define() … create() method chain.
VirtualMachine linuxVM = azure.virtualMachines() .define(linuxVM1Name) .withRegion(Region.US_EAST) .withNewResourceGroup(rgName) .withNewPrimaryNetwork("") .withPrimaryPrivateIpAddressDynamic() .withNewPrimaryPublicIpAddress(linuxVM1Pip) .withPopularLinuxImage(KnownLinuxVirtualMachineImage.UBUNTU_SERVER_16_04_LTS) .withRootUsername(“tirekicker”) .withSsh(sshkey) .withNewDataDisk(100) .withSize(VirtualMachineSizeTypes.STANDARD_D3_V2) .create();
Update a Virtual Machine
You can update a virtual machine instance by using an update() … apply() method chain.
linuxVM.update() .withNewDataDisk(20, lun, CachingTypes.READ_WRITE) .apply();
Create a Virtual Machine Scale Set
You can create a virtual machine scale set instance by using another define() … create() method chain.
VirtualMachineScaleSet vmScaleSet = azure.virtualMachineScaleSets() .define(vmssName) .withRegion(Region.US_EAST) .withExistingResourceGroup(rgName) .withSku(VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuTypes.STANDARD_D5_V2) .withExistingPrimaryNetworkSubnet(network, "subnet1") .withExistingPrimaryInternetFacingLoadBalancer(publicLoadBalancer) .withoutPrimaryInternalLoadBalancer() .withPopularLinuxImage(KnownLinuxVirtualMachineImage.UBUNTU_SERVER_16_04_LTS) .withRootUsername("tirekicker") .withSsh(sshkey) .withNewDataDisk(100) .withNewDataDisk(100, 1, CachingTypes.READ_WRITE) .withNewDataDisk(100, 2, CachingTypes.READ_ONLY) .withCapacity(10) .create();
Create a Network Security Group
You can create a network security group instance by using another define() … create() method chain.
NetworkSecurityGroup frontEndNSG = azure.networkSecurityGroups().define(frontEndNSGName) .withRegion(Region.US_EAST) .withNewResourceGroup(rgName) .defineRule("ALLOW-SSH") .allowInbound() .fromAnyAddress() .fromAnyPort() .toAnyAddress() .toPort(22) .withProtocol(SecurityRuleProtocol.TCP) .withPriority(100) .withDescription("Allow SSH") .attach() .defineRule("ALLOW-HTTP") .allowInbound() .fromAnyAddress() .fromAnyPort() .toAnyAddress() .toPort(80) .withProtocol(SecurityRuleProtocol.TCP) .withPriority(101) .withDescription("Allow HTTP") .attach() .create();
Create a Web App
You can create a Web App instance by using another define() … create() method chain.
WebApp webApp = azure.webApps() .define(appName) .withRegion(Region.US_WEST) .withNewResourceGroup(rgName) .withNewWindowsPlan(PricingTier.STANDARD_S1) .create();
Create a SQL Database
You can create a SQL server instance by using another define() … create() method chain.
SqlServer sqlServer = azure.sqlServers().define(sqlServerName) .withRegion(Region.US_EAST) .withNewResourceGroup(rgName) .withAdministratorLogin("adminlogin123") .withAdministratorPassword("myS3cureP@ssword") .withNewFirewallRule("") .withNewFirewallRule("", "") .create();
Then, you can create a SQL database instance by using another define() … create() method chain.
SqlDatabase database = sqlServer.databases().define("myNewDatabase") .create();
Sample Code
You can find plenty of sample code that illustrates management scenarios (69+ end-to-end scenarios) for Azure.
Start using Azure Management Libraries for Java today!
Start using these libraries today. It is easy to get started. You can run the samples above.
As always, we like to hear your feedback via comments on this blog or by opening issues in GitHub or via e-mail to
Also. You can find plenty of additional info about Java on Azure at