Previous posts:
- Microsoft Build 2017, .NET Core 2.0 preview 1, For the King
- Microsoft Build 2017, .NET Core 2.0 status, Happy birthday .NET with Eilon Lipton, On .NET with Alfonso García-Caro on Fable, Stanford CoreNLP
- .NET Architecture, .NET Core 2.0 status, Happy Birthday .NET with Matt Gertz, On .NET with Don Schenck on Red Hat, Fable
.NET Poster
Everybody likes posters, right? Well here’s a modern .NET infographic to hang in your office. If you were at BUILD, you probably saw us handing thousands of these out to people. Now you can have one too!
Happy Birthday .NET with Jan Kotas
In this quick interview, we talk to Jan Kotas, who was involved from the very beginning of .NET’s “Rotor” — a shared source, cross-platform version of .NET from the early days. Jan is now an architect on .NET Core and shares some of his stories building and open sourcing .NET.
Game of the Week: Skyworld
Skyworld is a turn based strategy game built for virtual reality. In Skyworld, you are the sole heir to the throne and must restore the empire to its former glory. To do this, you must recapture and unite shards of the world that have been broken off by a coven of evil witches. Manage your economy, upgrade your castles, and build an army that you’ll take into battle against your enemies!
Skyworld is being created by Vertigo Games using C# and Unity.
Meetup of the week: ASP.NET Tag Helpers in Mountain View, CA
The Bay .NET user group invites you to [a presentation on ASP.NET Tag Helpers on Thursday, May 25 at 6:30PM in Mountain View, CA].
- .NET Framework May 2017 Preview of Quality Rollup by Rich Lander [MSFT].
- Free eBook/Guide on ‘.NET Microservices – Architecture for Containerized .NET Applications’ by Cesar de la Torre.
- A Vision for Tizen: Tizen 4.0 and Samsung’s Ongoing Development of the Platform by Samsung Global Newsroom.
- CQRS – Hosting an Event Sourcing system on Microsoft Orleans by Duncan Edwards Jones.
- CrossCutterN: A Light Weight AOP Tool for .NET by David_Cui.
- Upgrading to .NET Core 2.0 Preview by Rick Strahl.
- Code Mill Minute: Visual Studio for Mac & MTOUCH 0008 Exception by Matthew Soucoup.
- Code Style configuration in Visual Studio 2017 IDE by elbruno.
- Storyteller 4.2: ASP.Net Core, Databases, Json by Jeremy D. Miller.
- Respawn 0.3.0-preview1 released for netstandard2.0 by Jimmy Bogard.
- .NET Component Vulnerability Analysis in Production by Yev Bronshteyn.
- BUILD 2017: Day 1 Recap by Maria Ines Parnisari.
- .NET Standard 2.0 is out and it’s impressive!!!! by Talking Dotnet.
- dotMemory Command Line Tools by Alexey Totin.
- Rider EAP 22: Xamarin iOS, unit testing improvements, compound run configurations and more by Maarten Balliauw.
- Hunting vulnerable NuGets in .NET Core by John Korsnes.
- Migrating Legacy ASP.NET Apps To Docker by Blaize Stewart.
- Exploring Program.cs, Startup.cs and CreateDefaultBuilder in ASP.NET Core 2 preview 1 by Andrew Lock.
- A pile of anti-forgery cookies by Novanet.
- Getting a database of IP Addresses by Jerrie Pelser.
- Razor Pages with ASP.NET Core 2 by Gunnar Peipman.
- Building Single-Page Applications with ASP.NET Core by Seth Juarez and Steve Sanderson.
- Self Descriptive HTTP API in ASP.NET Core: Siren by Derek Comartin.
- ASP.NET Core 2.0 Preview 1 by Ibrahim Šuta.
- Using the Microsoft.AspNetCore.HealthChecks Package by Scott Sauber.
- ASP.NET Core MVC SEO-Framework by Seb Nilsson.
- Solving the Stupid Bug by Matthew Jones.
- Fun with C# local functions by Ayende Rahien.
- Access to modified closure in Resharper/C# by Alex Lazarev.
- Practical C# Videos – Local functions, Ref returns and locals by Andrea Angella.
- Adding a new Bytecode Instruction to the CLR by Matt Warren, Adding Matt operator to Roslyn – Syntax, Lexer and Parser, and Adding Matt operator to Roslyn – Binder by Marcin Juraszek.
- To box or not to Box? That is the question! by Sergey Teplyakov.
- Covariance, Contravariance and Invariance in C# by Rashedul Hossain Khan.
- Tuples in .NET world and C# 7.0 improvements by Nikola Živković.
- Visual F# Tools Announcement for May by Phillip Carter.
- Parsing scripts by Evelina Gabasova.
- Paket integration by Alfonso Garcia-Caro.
- 2017 Board Election Update and Annual Meeting of the Members by F# Software Foundation.
- Powerful Scripting With F# by Thomas Bandt.
- Basic pattern matching in F# by Andras Nemes.
- Scripting Visual Studio Mobile Center with F# and Swagger by Greg Shackles.
- Finding solutions using genetic algorithms in F# by loosexaml.
- Visual Studio for Mac by Visual Studio Toolbox.
- Getting Started with the Xamarin Live Player by James Montemagno.
- Xamarin Live Player FAQ by Joseph Hill.
- Xamarin Live Player from Build 2017 by Nick Randolph.
- Glimpse the Future of Xamarin Forms 3.0 by David Ortinau.
- Common issues from the Xamarin 15.2 release being tracked by the Xamarin team by Brendan Zagaeski.
- Project Rome: Driving user engagement across devices, apps and platforms by Vikas Bhatia.
- Microsoft Azure App for iOS and Android with Jakub Jedryszek by The Xamarin Show.
- Things I Think Are Cool: Enterprise Application Patterns using Xamarin.Forms Book by Matthew Soucoup.
- Xamarin and DevOps: The build agent by Steven Thewissen.
- Google Analytics for Xamarin by Adam Pedley.
- Lottie Animations with Xamarin Forms by Adam Pedley.
- Scripting Visual Studio Mobile Center with F# and Swagger by Greg Shackles.
- Xamarin Forms – Change a Switch’s True/False Colour by John Wilson.
- Using the Concurrent GC by Rodrigo Kumpera, Miguel de Icaza.
- Xamarin.Tip – Binding a Picker to an Enum by Alex Dunn.
- Xamarin.Tip – iOS Material Design Navigation Bar by Alex Dunn.
- Xamarin.Forms: Our (my) first very simple IValueConverter implementation by Almir Vuk.
- HP, Inc. Takes the Pain Out of Forms Processing with User-First Scanning Apps by Lacey Butler.
- Sharpen Your Mobile Development Skills with New “Xamarin University Presents” Webinars by Mark Smith.
- Mono 5.0.0 Release Notes by Mono Team.
- Creating a chat bot from a FAQ with Azure Q&A Maker by Gérald Barré.
- Serverless C# with Azure Functions: HTTP-Triggered Functions by Jason Roberts.
- Azure .NET Core Application Settings by Jeff Sanders.
- Using Kudu and deploying apps into Azure by Lee Stott.
- Segmenting Application Insights data by role by Dan Taylor.
- Announcing Windows Template Studio By Michael Crump and Clint Rutkas
- Improving the high-DPI experience in GDI based Desktop Apps By Doug King
- Introducing XAML Standard and .NET Standard 2.0 By Windows Apps Team
- Announcing Microsoft Build Tour 2017 By Pete Brown
- Monetize your app: Know the user to serve better targeted ads By Kiran Bangalore
- Announcing Project Rome iOS SDK By Carmen Forsmann
- Project Rome: Driving user engagement across devices, apps and platforms By Vikas Bhatia
- Windows Store: more options to manage, monetize and promote apps By Bernardo Zamora
- Announcing EF 6.2 beta 1 by Diego B Vega.
- Entity Framework Core – Custom Migrations by Ryan Southgate.
And this is it for this week!
Contribute to the week in .NET
As always, this weekly post couldn’t exist without community contributions, and I’d like to thank all those who sent links and tips. The F# section is provided by Phillip Carter, the gaming section by Stacey Haffner, the Xamarin section by Dan Rigby, and the UWP section by Michael Crump.
You can participate too. Did you write a great blog post, or just read one? Do you want everyone to know about an amazing new contribution or a useful library? Did you make or play a great game built on .NET? We’d love to hear from you, and feature your contributions on future posts. Please add your posts, it takes only a second.
This week’s post (and future posts) also contains news I first read on The ASP.NET Community Standup, on Weekly Xamarin, on F# weekly, and on The Morning Brew.