Previous posts:
- .NET poster, Happy Birthday .NET with Jan Kotas, Skyworld
- Microsoft Build 2017, .NET Core 2.0 preview 1, For the King
- Microsoft Build 2017, .NET Core 2.0 status, Happy birthday .NET with Eilon Lipton, On .NET with Alfonso García-Caro on Fable, Stanford CoreNLP
Package of the week: Open XML SDK
The Open XML SDK provides open-source libraries for working with Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents. It supports scenarios such as high-performance generation of word-processing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, high fidelity conversion of Word documents to HTML, extraction of data from XLSX, and document modification.
using (var doc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(strDoc, true))
var p = new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(
"This is some text in a run in a paragraph.")));
Game of the Week – Adventure Time: Magic Man’s Head Games
Adventure Time: Magic Man’s Head Games is a virtual reality platformer. After you’ve been magically transformed into a giant balloon, you must work with Finn and Jake to become normal again. Help them fight baddies, rescue friends and traverse dangerous lands as you chase Magic Man across Ooo.
Adventure Time: Magic Man’s Head Games was created by Turbo Button using C# and Unity. It is available for the Samsung Gear VR and on Steam for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.
Meetup of the week: up and running with ASP.NET MVC Core in Edmunton, AB
- .NET Framework May 2017 Cumulative Quality Update for Windows 10 by Rich Lander.
- Using .NET and Docker Together by Rich Lander.
- Integration testing with .NET Core by Dmitriy Litichevskiy.
- An Early Look at Multi-Tenancy in Marten 2.0 by Jeremy D. Miller.
- Message Handlers in the new Jasper Service Bus by Jeremy D. Miller.
- Actor model and using of Akka.NET by Rubik’s Code.
- .NET Framework setup verification tool, cleanup tool and detection sample code now support .NET Framework 4.7 by Aaron Stebner.
- Managed object internals, Part 1. Layout by Sergey Teplyakov.
- Access the JWT bearer token when using the JWT middleware in ASP.NET Core by Jerrie Pelser.
- Overriding the NameClaimType when using the ASP.NET Core OpenID Connect middleware by Jerrie Pelser.
- Start with Elasticssearch, Kibana and ASP.NET Core by Carlos Mendible.
- Self Descriptive HTTP API in ASP.NET Core by Derek Comartin.
- ASP.NET Core 2.0 Configuration and Razor Pages by Jamie Taylor.
- How to use multiple hosting environments on the same machine in ASP.NET Core by Andrew Lock.
- Using Razor Pages to simplify basic actions in ASP.NET Core 2.0 preview 1 by Andrew Lock.
- Creating simple shoutbox using ASP.NET Core Razor Pages by Gunnar Peipman.
- ASP.NET Core Sample Image Resizing Service by Dmitry Sikorsky.
- Precompiling razor views by Gérald Barré.
- Exploiting Partial and RenderPartial in ASP.NET MVC by Peter Vogel.
- Handling 404 Not Found in Asp.Net Core and Handling errors in an ASP.NET Core Web API by DevTrends.
- ASP.NET Core Correlation IDsWriting a basic middleware library to enable correlation IDs on ASP.NET Core by Steve Gordon.
- C# Local Functions by Gary Woodfine.
- C# 7 Series, Part 2: Async Main by mazhou.
- Lowering in the C# Compiler (and what happens when you misuse it) by Matt Warren.
- F# Weekly #22, 2017 with 2017 F# survey results by Sergey Tihon.
- Agile Experiments in Machine Learning with F# – Mathias Brandewinder by channel64.
- Xamarin Forms: MvvmCross with F# by sam.
- Introducing F# intro by Tomas Jansson.
- F# Works 2017 Survey Results.
- Lambda expressions in F# by Andras Nemes.
- Feeding a function result into a pattern matching lambda expression in F# by Andras Nemes.
- Introduction to (Live) Unit Testing in Visual Basic… by Klaus Löffelmann.
- Xamarin University’s free webinar series: Learn mobile development from experts by Mark Smith.
- Xamarin.Tip – MvvmLight Code Snippets for Visual Studio for Mac by Alex Dunn.
- What good is Xamarin.Forms? by Matthew Calder.
- All The Ways To Have Multiple Solutions Open In VS For Mac by Matthew Soucoup.
- Dynamically binding RESX Resources in Xamarin Forms by Pieter Nijs.
- Yet Another Podcast #171 – MFractor by Jesse Liberty.
- Securing Google Play In-App Purchases for Xamarin with Azure Functions by Jonathan Peppers.
- Intelligent Bot in a Native iOS and Android app by Colby Williams.
- Change the font type of a NavigationPage Title in Xamarin Forms by Jan Tourlamain.
- Deep Dive into SkiaSharp with Xamarin.Forms by Charles Petzold.
- Staying Up-to-Date in Visual Studio 2017 with the Xamarin Updater by Pierce Boggan.
- TrainerRoad Helps Cyclists Increase Performance with Five-Star Apps by Lacey Butler.
- Using Local Notifications in Xamarin.Mac by Adam Hartley.
- Introducing MFractor for Visual Studio Mac by Matthew Robbins.
- Preview your HockeyApp apps in Mobile Center by HockeyApp Team.
- Rebuilding the Xamarin.Forms Button with Visual States and Control Templates by Nick Randolph.
- Styling Pages and Controls in Xamarin Forms using Visual States by Nick Randolph.
- Xamarin Stable Release: 15.2.2 Servicing Release by Bri Brothers.
- Stable Release: 15.2 Hotfix Xamarin Android (Mac Only) by Adrian Murphy.
- Architecting a Large Xamarin Forms App by Adam Pedley.
- Container, Region and Stack Navigation in Exrin by Adam Pedley.
- Continuous Integration and Deployment for Xamarin Apps by Adam Pedley.
- HoloLens with Xamarin UrhoSharp by Adam Pedley.
- Running Xamarin UITests Locally by Adam Pedley.
- Xamarin Forms LayoutOption Differences by Adam Pedley.
- Comparing Data Stores by Dane Vinson.
- Windows Template Studio by Christian Nagel.
- See What’s New with Windows Ink in the Windows 10 Creators Update by Jerry Koh.
- UWP and the evolution of touch development by Windows Apps Team.
- Dealing With Optimistic Concurrency Control Collisions by Jimmy Bogard.
- 5 Ways To Manage Database Schema Changes in 2017 (in .NET) by Alexander Tsvetkov.
And this is it for this week!
Contribute to the week in .NET
As always, this weekly post couldn’t exist without community contributions, and I’d like to thank all those who sent links and tips. The F# section is provided by Phillip Carter, the gaming section by Stacey Haffner, the Xamarin section by Dan Rigby, and the UWP section by Michael Crump.
You can participate too. Did you write a great blog post, or just read one? Do you want everyone to know about an amazing new contribution or a useful library? Did you make or play a great game built on .NET?
We’d love to hear from you, and feature your contributions on future posts. Please add your posts, it takes only a second.
This week’s post (and future posts) also contains news I first read on The ASP.NET Community Standup, on Weekly Xamarin, on F# weekly, and on The Morning Brew.