In case you missed them, here are some articles from May of particular interest to R users.
Many interesting presentations recorded at the R/Finance 2017 conference in Chicago are now available to watch.
A review of some of the R packages and projects implemented at the 2017 ROpenSci Unconference.
An example of applying Bayesian Learning with the "bnlearn" package to challenge stereotypical assumptions
Data from the Billboard Hot 100 chart used to find the most popular words in the titles of pop hits.
Microsoft R Open 3.4.0 is now available for Windows, Mac and Linux.
How to use the "tweenr" package to create smooth transitions in data animations.
A preview of some of the companies and R applications to be presented at the EARL conference in San Francisco.
The AzureDSVM package makes it easy to spawn and manage clusters of the Azure Data Science Virtual Machine.
An online course on spatial data analysis in R, from the Consumer Data Research Centre in the UK.
Video and slides of Lixun Zhang's presentation "R in Financial Services: Challenges and Opportunity" from the New York R Conference.
Visual Studio 2017 now features built-in support for both R and Python development.
Quantifying the home-field advantage in English Premier League football.
Using the new CRAN_package_db
function to analyze data about CRAN packages.
Stack Overflow Trends tracks the trajectory of questions about R and Python.
A recorded webinar on using Microsoft R to predict length of stay in hospitals.
The new "Real-Time Scoring" capability in Microsoft R Server creates a service to generate predictions from certain models in milliseconds.
"Technical Foundations of Informatics" is an open course guide on data analysis and visualization with R with a modern slant.
The Datasaurus Dozen generalizes Anscombe's Quartet with a process to create datasets of any shape with (nearly) the same summary statistics.
CareerCast ranks Statistician as the best job to have in 2017.
You can now use Microsoft R within Alteryx Designer.
How to clean messy data in Excel by providing just a few examples of transformations.
And some general interest stories (not necessarily related to R):
- The history of Australia's states
- An amusingly animated history of the Universe
- A Neural Network predicts a movie from just one frame
- The Bayesian Trap, explained
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