If you use an API key to access a secure service, or need to use a password to access a protected database, you'll need to provide these "secrets" in your R code somewhere. That's easy to do if you just include those keys as strings in your code — but it's not very secure. This means your private keys and passwords are stored in plain-text on your hard drive, and if you email your script they're available to anyone who can intercept that email. It's also really easy to inadvertently include those keys in a public repo if you use Github or similar code-sharing services.
To address this problem, Gábor Csárdi and Andrie de Vries created the secret package for R. The secret package integrates with OpenSSH, providing R functions that allow you to create a vault to keys on your local machine, define trusted users who can access those keys, and then include encrypted keys in R scripts or packages that can only be decrypted by you or by people you trust. You can see how it works in the vignette secret: Share Sensitive Information in R Packages, and in this presentation by Andrie de Vries at useR!2017:
To use the secret package, you'll need access to your private key, which you'll also need to store securely. For that, you might also want to take a look at the in-progress keyring package, which allows you to access secrets stored in Keychain on macOS, Credential Store on Windows, and the Secret Service API on Linux.
The secret package is available now on CRAN, and you can also find the latest development version on Github.